The OneCare Network is a group of doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers who come together to give coordinated, high quality care to their patients. The goal of coordinated care is to ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, get the right care at the right time while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors. This results in a healthier community because providers work closer together to help patients manage their health and wellbeing.
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Care Advising
Care Advising services are available to patients whose primary care doctor is a member of the OneCare Network . Patients who need additional support managing their health may be contacted by a registered nurse Care Advisor to participate.
Care Advising supports the relationship between patients and physicians, giving individuals access to resources to make healthier choices. Care Advising involves patients’ most trusted advisor – their primary care physician – to help coordinate and improve the quality of care and help patients manage medical costs.
Care Advisors are an added complement to the services already provided inside the hospital and by primary care providers. They work side-by-side with physicians, nurses, case managers, pharmacists, dietitians and others to help manage the health of the high-needs and high-risk patients.
Patient FAQs
How do I know if my doctor is part of the OneCare Network ?
We provide in-office notification of the provider's participation in settings where the patient receives primary care services. You will receive more information either in the mail or the next time you are in the office if your doctor participates.
Do I have to participate in OneCare Network programs because my doctor participates?
No. Though you may be offered Care Advising services as a no-cost benefit of your doctor being part of the OneCare Network , your participation in Care Advising services and other programs is always voluntary. You still have the right to see any doctor or hospital you choose at any time. You can continue getting care from your doctor. Or, you can choose to see a doctor who doesn’t participate with the OneCare Network if you prefer.
Can I still see all of my regular health care providers now that my primary care doctor participates with the OneCare Network ?
It’s important to know that you can still go to any doctor, hospital or other provider that accepts your insurance, whether that be Medicare or commercial insurance. Nobody can restrict which providers you see.
Can I still choose to receive services from any new doctor, hospital or healthcare provider even though my doctor is participating the OneCare Network ?
You can still choose to go to any doctor, hospital or other healthcare provider that accepts your health insurance plan, whether that be Medicare or another insurance. Nobody – not even your doctor – can prevent you from seeing the hospitals or providers you want.
What information will the OneCare Network have about me?
To help participating doctors give patients like you the best possible care, your doctor will share information about your care with your health plan. This information includes things like doctor, hospital and pharmacy visits in the past and going forward. This information helps your doctor and the other providers track the services you’ve already received, understand what additional care you might need and find ways to smooth the path for you if you have to transfer in or out of a hospital or between doctors. If you decide you do not want to have the information about your care shared with your health plan, you have the right to do so.
What if I am already happy with my care the way it is?
We’re glad you’re having a positive experience already. If your doctor is participating in the OneCare Network, you can continue to see him or her the way you always have. Your doctor’s participation in the OneCare Network won’t change your benefits in any way, and decisions about your care stay with you and your doctor.
How will being in the OneCare Network benefit my doctor?
Your doctor may have more access to the expertise, staff and technology he or she needs to make sure your care is coordinated across all the places you receive services. For you, this coordination could mean less paperwork to fill out at the doctor’s office, avoiding unnecessary tests or more help for you in between appointments if you are living with one or multiple health care conditions or diseases.
My doctor sent me a letter, what do I need to do?
You do not need to take any additional steps to continue to receive care from your usual providers. If you were sent a letter about Care Advising services and wish to participate, call the number listed in your letter. If you do not wish to participate, you can also call the contact information included with your letter to decline participation in any programs.
I received a letter from my doctor who is participating with the OneCare Network. What are the forms included in this letter? Do I have to fill them out?
It’s important to know that your doctor is the one participating in an accountable care organization, not you. You do not have to fill out any forms or take any action in order to continue seeing your doctor as you normally would. However, you may have been sent forms to fill out in order to participate in Care Advising. Depending on the nature of the conversation you had with a care team member or your physician, you may have been sent a “Personal Designation Form” or “Personal Health Information Disclosure Form.”
The Personal Designation Form is only used if you would like to designate a caregiver or family member as someone whom the care team can speak with about your health care and whom can act as your representative on your behalf when it comes to medical decisions. If you want someone to be a personal designee, fill out the form and send it back at the address listed on the form.
The Personal Health Information Disclosure Form allows your care team to work effectively together by sharing information about your health with other members of the care team, your doctors and nurses, your insurance company, and other necessary parties who are involved in ensuring you receive high-quality, coordinated care. Please fill out the form and mail it to the address listed on the form.
My relative received a letter, but this person recently passed away. What do I need to do?
We are sorry for your loss. These letters were sent because of your relative’s history with receiving care from a doctor who is participating in the OneCare Network. You don’t need to do anything further. Your relative will be removed from the list of patients affiliated with the participating doctor or health care facility.
For additional questions please submit the form below.